
Luna Maya Behind the drees-telanjang?

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Although always rather fuzzy spot, name of the returns of Maya de Luna mentioned on several occasions to the back to continue Ariel. Unilaterally, Sarah admit also there is the report/ratio. But it do not check completely because of Luna. I know, of report/ratio says Sarah. Naturally without counting that Luna, the name of Andhara early until Bunga Citra Lestari have time to be allotted to Ariel.

For the third nobody it or there is not, can see us is simply later in the judge, Sarah increased further. Made not only Ariel, Sarah that X 'individual also were ever exchanged have the business with Sony, band of Shanou of beater. Relation of with somebody not only that the problem of, of report/ratio only Sarah indicates.

According to Sarah, during one moment this in fact is produced in the household, leaves between X 'individuals and to know right Ariel. The comment of Sarah further cannot about the existence of the third anybody or the number. It is more deliveringly completely with the conference of manner later, as that is known as Sarah above all.

While side of Ariel, by Sandi Arifin, eludes to reveal really made produced. We see is late simply more in front of the court. We are present east awaited the call for, of court it said.