
Kim Hyun Joong, pinggulnya terekspos pada shooting Pictorial di Bali

Kim Hyun Joong, pinggulnya terekspos pada shooting Pictorial di Bali

Cerita tentang penyanyi-aktor Kim Hyun Joong mengekspos pinggulnya terungkap.

Dalam rekaman KBS2 TV [Declaration of Freedom Saturday - Secret], pelatih kesehatan yang menjadi sahabat Kim Hyun Joong akan mengungkapkan serangkaian cerita tentang apa yang terjadi selama waktu mereka pergi ke Bali bersama-sama.

Pelatih kesehatan Kim Hyun Joong mengatakan, "Karena Kim Hyun Joong memiliki sosok tubuh yang sempurna, ia telah banyak mengekspos. Mobil shotiing Pictorial juga pergi ke Bali untuk pemotretan, dan pinggul Kim Hyun Joong itu terekspos di kolam renang',. Kim Hyun Joong tampak malu.

'Pinggul area yang terekspos' cerita tentang ini telah memberikan kejutan kepada semua pemeran di tempat kejadian. Setelah tamu undangan menyaksikan VCR, mereka sepakat bahwa bintang Hanryu harus dilindungi dengan baik, bahwa Kim Hyun Joong harus dilindungi.

Untuk mengetahui alasan mengapa pinggul Kim Hyun Joong itu terekspos, jangan lupa untuk menonton [Declaration of Freedom Saturday - Secret] pada tanggal 9 Juli, pukul 05:35.


Kim HyunJoong, Exposed His Hips in Bali Pictorial Shooting

The story about singer-actor Kim HyunJoong exposing his hips is revealed.

In the recording of KBS2 TV [Declaration of Freedom Saturday - Secret], Kim HyunJoong’s best friend health trainer will revealed a series of stories about what happened during the time they went to Bali together.

Kim HyunJoong’s health trainer said, ‘Because of Kim HyunJoong have a perfect body figure, he had exposed a lot. The pictorial shooting car also went to Bali for the shooting, and Kim HyunJoong’s hips was exposed in the pool.’, Kim HyunJoong was looking embarrassed.

The story of ‘hips area exposed’ had given a shock to all the casts on the scene. After the invited guests had watched the VCR, they agreed that Hanryu stars should be well-protected, that Kim HyunJoong should be protected.

To find out the reason why Kim HyunJoong’s hips was exposed, don’t forget to catch [Declaration of Freedom - Secret] on 9th of July, 5.35pm.

Source: Nate
Chinese translation: 璐璐爱 @金賢重中文網
English translation by: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/ 东方5AS1)
indo trans: rtss501.blosgpot.com