
Kim HyunJoong KISS KISS MV Release Details

This is KeyEast.

Kim HyunJoong’s ‘KISS KISS’ MV is scheduled to be released on 13-July (Wed) at 12:00pm (midnight).

‘KISS KISS’ MV will be released first through Kim HyunJoong’s official YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/kimhyunjoong606), then in the official homepage (www.hyun-joong.com) as well as various mp3 websites, we hope for your much attention.

Thank you.


indo trans:

ini KeyEast.

MV 'Kiss Kiss' Kim Hyun Joong dijadwalkan akan dirilis pada 13 Juli (Rabu) jam 12:00 (tengah malam).

MV 'Kiss Kiss' akan dirilis pertama melalui official YouTube Kim Hyun Joong (http://www.youtube.com/kimhyunjoong606), kemudian di situs resmi (www.hyun-joong.com) serta berbagai situs-situs mp3, kami berharap untuk banyak perhatian Anda.

Terima kasih.


credit: Hyun-Joong.com (source); xiaochu@Quainte501.com (eng trans); liezle; rtss501 (indo trans) (PLEASE REPOST WITH FULL CREDIT)